


  越狱这部剧相信很多人都看过,里面的一些 经典台词 让大家回味无穷,下面是品味一生网 小编整理的一些关于越狱经典台词的相关资料,供您参考。


  1. You gotta do it for the team. 你得为团队做这件事

  2. I'm part of the team now. 我现在也入伙了

  3. You best speak with respect.你说话最好客气点

  4. I'm breaking out. And you're gonna make sure my brother goes with me.我要越狱, 你要确保我哥一起走

  5. You and me…its real… 我和你,是真的

  6. I'm asking you to make a mistake. Not hurt anyone, not steal anything. 我在请求你犯个小错误. 不是去伤害谁,不是去偷盗

  7. You and I need to have a conversation. 我们需要好好聊聊

  8. I'll take door number three.我选第三个

  9. Would you run if I said you?- Would you chase me if I did?如果我说是你,你会跑掉么?-如果我跑了,你要追我

  10. If you don't like it, wait an hour.你要是不喜欢现在的天气 可以等一个小时

越狱男主经典台词 语录

  1.You don’t have a violent bone in your body.我知道你天性善良

  2. Often, the lord appears when you're in particular need of forgiveness.通常来说,当你特别需要宽恕的时候 主就会出现

  3. You're up against much bigger fish than me.你遇上了比我更高级别的麻烦

  4. Not a good position you find yourself in, is it?左右不是人,是吧?

  5. You're out of business. Get used to it.你出局了,学着适应吧

  6. New fish! 新来的

  7. You're just as pretty as advertised.你和传言中一样帅气

  8. Come find me when you're ready to talk. 想好了就找我谈谈

  9. Someone’s going to get hurt.有人得受伤

  10. Bed check. 查床了

  11. Soft money makes the world go around.有钱能使鬼推磨

  12. Apparently, college boy here did the math.很显然,这个大学小子做了些功课

  13. So you got plenty of time to bake him a cake.你有足够的 时间 给他烤个蛋糕

  14. And you have a way of asking questions that beg more questions. 你也很喜欢问那种越追究 问题越多的问题

  15. Remember, Pretty, I am serving life plus one.记着,帅哥,我是终生监禁

  16. All due respect, I don't need opinions. I need answers.我没别的意思,不过我不需要建议,我需要答案

  17. Past tense for you, maybe. 你的爱是过去时

  18. A man's down, you give him your hand.别人有难,就要伸出援手

  19. Okay, after Lincoln, we go alphabetically.

  20. As soon as possible” is not a specific time.“尽快”可不是确切时间"


  1. Never really thought about it. 从来没想过

  2. "You see, this is not a ""me versus you"" thing anymore.你看,这里再也没有我VS你了"

  3. Men and women can’t be friends. 男人和女人不可能成为朋友

  4. You really think you're going to get to four buttons before I get to one?

  5. Look, there are three things for certain in life,death, taxes and count.唉有三件事是无法逃避的: 死亡 税收...还有点名

  6. You named me? Right there along with the rest of them?你也写了我?和那些人一起?

  7. Like a light. 轻而易举

  8. You made this mess. Nobody else. You.是你搞砸了,不是别人,正是你

  9. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.要和朋友靠在一起 而与敌人要靠的更近

  10. You just have to open that door, and the monster would disappear.打开那扇门,怪物就会消失不见

  11. Keep the line moving.下一个继续

  12. You have no trouble whatsoever with me bending the law... especially when it's bent in your direction.当我歪曲 法律 时 你安然无恙, 尤其是歪向你的方向

  13. Just have a little faith.活得有信念点!

  14. You have bosses, I have bosses.各为其主

  15. I've had some bad luck when it comes to relationships.我在男女关系上运气不好

  16. You have a habit of answering a question with a question. 你很喜欢拿问题去回答别人的问题

  17. I'm the last person in the world that my father listens to.我是我父亲最不愿听的人

  18. With the crap storm this thing's become... Why they haven't killed you.弄成这么一塌糊涂... 为什么他们还不杀你

  19. If he tells you everything, then you don't need him.如果他告诉了你所有事情,那你就不需要他了

  20. When this guy woke up this morning, he was white!这个家伙今天早上起来的时候, 还是白种人!

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