


  电视剧《老友记》(Friends),又译名《六人行》,是由NBC电视台(美国全国广播公司)从1994年开播、连续播出了20xx年的一部幽默情景喜剧,也是美国历史上最 成功 、影响力最大的电视剧之一。以下是品味一生网 小编为大家准备的《friends》 经典台词 ,希望大家喜欢!


  1、Rachel: Anyway sweetie, I am, I’m so sorry I ruined your night.


  Monica: I’m sorry I almost made you sleep with Ross. (They hug.)



  2、Chandler: Yeah look, when I proposed I told you that I would do anything to make you happy, and if having the perfect wedding makes you happy then, then that’s what we’re gonna do.


  女人对 情话 当真,silly;男人对情话认真,sexy。

  3、Chandler: So you can balloon up or you can shrink down and I will still love you.


  Monica: Even if I shrink down to two inches tall?


  Chandler: I’d carry you around in my pocket.


  4、Joey: Oh come on, Chandler used to do it! He’d even make the girl pancakes! Plus, he’d make extras and leave ‘em for me.


  5、Phoebe and Rachel: A birthday party.

  Joey: Who’s birthday party?

  Phoebe and Rachel: Allison’s birthday party.

  Joey: (still skeptical) Oh, and how is Allison?

  Phoebe and Rachel: 32.


  6、Rachel: Yeah and honey I promise next time that I will just say good-bye and tell ‘em you’re not looking for a relationship.


  Joey: No! No. Don’t do that, just next time make sure she really likes me.



  7、Ross: Yeah, ever since you uh, told me that story about that bike I-I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I mean, everyone should have a-a first bike, so…



  8、Tag: Are you kidding me?! With a cute butt like this, I’d find work.



  9、Joey: Anything I can do? Whatever you need.


  Phoebe: Well—But—Now, if-if you can achieve positronic distillation of sub-atomic particles y’know before he does, then he can come back. (They hug again.)


  Joey: I can give it a shot.

  (长 时间 的沉默)“我可以试试。”


  10、Earl: (To All) Did you hear that?! I don’t need you guys to care about me! Because the universe cares! The whole universe!


  11、Mr. Geller: Sweetheart, we love you just as much as Ross! Now, I’m sorry about everything that happened and I’d probably never be able to make it up to you, but here’s a start. (He hands her a small box.)

  It’s the key to my Porsche. Well, the key to your Porsche.


  12、Joey: Pheebs! Wait up! (She stops.) Listen uh, close your eyes. Maybe that’s one thing you can cross off your list.


  13、Chandler: How can I not be upset? Okay? I finally fall in love with this fantastic woman and it turns out that she wanted you first!


  Joey: Yeah for like a half an hour one night! Chandler, she wants you for the rest of her life! You’re so lucky! Look what I missed out on by not being there! Although you know what? It could never have worked like you guys did, ‘cause you guys are perfect for each other. Y’know, we look at you and-and we see you together and it just…it-it fits. Y’know? And you just know it’s gonna last forever.


  14、Chandler: Well it’s just while Monica and I were dancing to them it was…the first time I knew that…you were the woman I wanted to dance all my dances with.

  钱德勒婚礼乐队 坚持 要请swing kings的原因是,上次他和莫尼卡去听他们的歌共舞的时候,钱德勒突然发现莫尼卡是他想要的一辈子的舞伴。

  15、Chandler: Yeah, that’s like the most ugliest dress I’ve ever seen. Wh-why do you to return it?


  Monica: Oh because it doesn’t…really fit. Oh by the way, I-I booked the Swing Kings.

  “因为……不太合身,不过我已经订好了Swing Kings乐队。”


  16、Monica: Well now, I get to spend my shower with the only people I really love! I mean, I get all those presents (Motions to the pile in the corner) without having to talk to people I don’t even like!



  17、Chandler: No-no all kids are embarrassed by their parents, you’d have to come up with a whole new word for what I went through. When I was in High School, he used to come to all of my swim meets dressed as a different Hollywood starlet. And you look up into the stands and there’s your dad cheering you on dressed as Carmen Miranda. We was wearing a headdress with real fruit that he will later hand out to your friends as a healthy snack!


  Monica: Hey, the point is that he was at everyone of your swim meets and he was there cheering you on! Okay? That’s a, that’s a pretty great dad.


  18、Chandler: Wait! Wait! We’d really love it if you could be there.


  Helena: We? (Looks at Monica who nods.)


  Chandler: I know it would make me happy, ma’am.


  Helena: Well I wouldn’t miss it for the world.


  19、Ross: If you ever hurt my little sister, if you ever cause her any unhappiness of any kind, I will hunt you down, and kick your ass!



  20、Monica: Chandler, for so long I…I wondered if I would ever find my prince, my soul mate. Then three years ago, at another wedding I turned to a friend for comfort. And in stead, I found everything that I’d ever been looking for my whole life. And now…here we are…with our future before us…and I only want to spend it with you, my prince, my soul mate, my friend.


  Chandler: Monica I thought this was going to be the most difficult thing I ever gonna had to do. But when I saw you walking down that aisle I realized how simple it was. I love you. Any surprises that come our way it’s okay, because I will always love you. You are the person I was meant to spend the rest of my life with.



  1、Chandler: I’ve been taking dancing lessons.Yeah, the last six weeks. I wanted this to be a moment you will never forget.


  2、Joey: Umm, now uh… It’s a scary world out there, especially for a single mom. Y’know, now I always thought you and I had a special bond so… (He goes to one knee and pulls out a ring.) Phoebe Buffay, will you marry me?



  3、Ross: Thanks for the coffee, or bedankt voor de koffie, Gunter.


  4、Joey: Look, if I’m bringing home a woman who can’t stand being around a baby, then maybe I don’t want to be with that woman!


  5、Joey: I miss this. I-I miss hanging out with you.


  6、Dina: And you’re my big brother! I mean, you’re my favorite guy in the whole world. I’m not even scared to tell mom and dad. I was scared of telling you. Joey, I can’t stand the thought of having this baby with you mad at me. I want him to have his uncle. We’re gonna be all right. I mean, even if we’re not married this baby is gonna be so loved. Not just by us.


  7、Monica: Come here. I can breath throw my mouth.


  Chandler: Y’know what the worse part was? I got to see what my life would be like without you. It was like It’s a Wonderful Life with lap dances. Please promise that you will never leave me, that we will grow old together, and be with each other for the rest of our lives.


  8、Rachel: Joey? Could you get that? (There is no answer and she goes and opens the door to Joey.)

  Joey: No, I’m picking you up for our date. These are for you. (Hands her some flowers.)


  9、Joey: Oh okay, how about this one. I was gonna wait until the end of the night to kiss you, but you’re so beautiful…I don’t think I can.


  其实遍翻乔伊的情话,许多只是很一般的句子,还记得那个广为流传的“背包客之旅”吗,罗斯讲出来就全然不能turn on。关键还是那磁性的声音和专注的表情呀,把恋爱当作神圣的艺术,这种虔诚的人不做情圣都难。

  10、Chandler: Oh! Uh, yeah! Is this a cold pizza talk or a leftover meatloaf talk?


  Joey: Well, neither.


  Chandler: Oh my God, what’s up?!



  11、Chandler: I’ll…I’ll get you later!


  12、Joey: The thing is…’cause I live with Rachel I’m here for a lot of the stuff, okay? (To Rachel) And Ross…Ross is missing everything. So……if you’re gonna have a roommate, y’know it might as well be the father.



  13、Chandler: No, honey you’re not sick! Look, I don’t love you because you’re organized, I love you in spite of that.


  14、Joey:Y’know? I like being on my own, I’m uh, better off this way. I’m uh, a lone wolf. Y’know? A loner. Alone. All alone.



  15、Monica: Oh! Oh, my God! No wonder my mother hates me!



  16、Ross: Well, um, actually, I-I took her to the planetarium. That’s-that’s where we had our first date. Um, she walked in and I had the room filled with lilies, her favorite flower…Then, Fred Astaire singing The Way You Look Tonight came on the sound system, and the lights came down. And I got down on one knee and written across the dome in the stars were the words "Will you marry me?"

  “我带她去第一次约会的博物馆展厅,她走进去,发现到处装点着她最爱的百合,舒缓而浪漫的曲子从扬声器里飘散而出,伴着花香散布在每一寸空气中。灯光暗了下来,幕布上开始播放满天星斗的幻灯片,一明一暗之中,我缓缓屈膝扬臂,戒指盒打开的同时,幻灯片里的星星已汇聚到一起,拼成了“Will you marry me?”

  罗斯曾想象的向瑞秋求婚的场面,此情此景,谁能say no呢?

  17、Ross: Hey you guys I got some bad news. (He sets the stack of papers down on the table.)


  18、Rachel: Yes! And not because I want you to go out with me, but because I don’t want you to go out with anybody! Okay? I know it’s a terrible thing to even think this, and it’s completely inappropriate, but I want you to be at my constant beck and call 24 hours a day! I’m very sorry, but that is just the way that I feel.


  Ross: Okay.


  Rachel: What?!


  Ross: I won’t date. I’ll uh, I’ll be here, with you, all the time.


  Rachel: Really? But I’m being so unreasonable.


  Ross: True, but you’re allowed to be unreasonable. You’re having our baby.


  19、Joey: It’s not just the stuff he paid for, I mean it’s-it’s everything. Y’know? He read lines with me. He-he went with me on auditions when I was really nervous, and then he consoled me after I didn’t get parts that I really wanted. You always believed in me man. Even, even when I didn’t believe in myself.


  20、 Well uh, there was acting classes, stage combat classes, tap classes…Uh then there was that dialect coach who helped you with that play where you needed a southern accent. Which after twenty hours of lessons still came out Jamaican. Okay, two, three years of rent, utilities, food…



  21、Dr. Long: That’s fine, for now we’ll just call her Baby Girl Green.


  Rachel: Oh no, Baby Girl Geller-Green.


  22、Rachel: Oh honey, but you love that name.


  Monica: Yeah, but I love you more.



  23、Phoebe: I just can’t decide who she looks more alike, you or Rachel?


  Ross: Oh what are you kidding? She’s gorgeous, it’s all Rachel.


  24、Ross: Since Rachel and I we’re doing really, we’re doing really well right now.


  Phoebe: I know. I know. I know. I know, and if you try to make it more you might wreck it.(Pause) Or you might get everything you’ve wanted since you were fifteen.
