

  下面是由小编为大家收集的关于 谚语的英语 格言,欢迎大家阅读!

  A bad beginning makes a bad ending恶其始者必恶其终。

  A bad excuse is worse than none 糟糕的藉口还不如没有。

  A bad penny always comes back恶有恶报(劣币回笼)

  A bad workman always blames his tools拙工怨器

  A bird in hand is worth two in the bush一鸟在手胜于两鸟在林。

  A burnt child dreads the fire一朝被蛇咬,终身怕草绳。

  A close mouth catches no flies病从口入,祸从口出。

  A drowning man will catch at a straw 溺水胡抓草,病急乱投医。

  A fault confessed is half redressed知过能改,善莫大焉。

  A fool and his money are soon parted笨蛋难聚财。

  A friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真情。

  A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody广交无知己。

  A good medicine tastes bitter 良药苦口。

  A great talker is a great liar善言者多谎。

  A leopard cannot change his spots本性难改。

  A little is better than none寥胜于无。

  A little pot is soon hot小人物易发怒。

  A man is known by the company he keeps观其友,知其人。

  A penny saved is a penny earned省一分即赚一分。

  A rolling stone gathers no moss滚石不生苔。

  A stitch in time saves nine防微杜渐。

  A word spoken is past recalling一言既出,驷马难追。

  Actions speaks louder than words行动胜于空谈。(坐而言不如起而行)

  After the storm comes the calm否极泰来。

  All good things come to an end天下无不散的筵席。

  All roads lead to Rome条条大道通罗马。

  All that glitters is not gold闪烁者未必都是金(不可仅以貌取人)。

  All work and no play make Jack a dull boy游戏和工作同样重要。

  An apple a day keeps the doctor away 一天一苹果,医生远离我。

  April showers bring May flowers 饮水思源。

  Art is lone,life is short学海无涯,人生苦短。

  As you sow,so shall you reap种瓜得瓜。

  Bad news travels fast恶事传千里。

  Barking dogs seldom bite吠叫的狗不咬人。

  Beauty is but skin deep美貌是肤浅的。

  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder情人眼里出西施。

  Beggars cannot be choosers乞丐没挑嘴份。

  Better late than never虽晚未迟(亡羊补牢)。

  Birds of a feather flock together物以类聚。

  Blood is thicker than water血浓于水。

  Care killed a cat忧能伤人。

  Character is destiny性格决定命运。

  Charity begins at home 百善孝为先

  Clothes make the man 人要衣装,佛要金装。

  Courtesy costs nothing礼多人不怪。

  Curiosity killed the cat不要太好奇。

  Cut your coat according to your cloth量布裁衣,量入为出。

  Devil must be driven out with devils 以毒攻毒。

  Diamond cuts diamond 两虎相争必有一伤(强中更有强中手)。

  Do in Rome as the Romans do入境随俗。

  Do not kick against the pricks勿以螳臂当车。

  Dog does not eat dog 同类不相残。

  Don't change horses in midstream 临阵莫换将。

  Don't count your chickens before they are hatched勿打如意算盘。

  Don't cry before you are hurt还没受伤先别喊疼(别杞人忧天)。

  Don't cry over spilled milk覆水难收。

  Don't fish in troubled waters不要混水摸鱼。

  Don't kick against the pricks不要用脚踢刺(勿以卵投石)。

  Don't put all your eggs in one basket(不要孤注一掷)。

  Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today今日事今日毕

  Don't put the cart before the horse 勿本末倒置。

  Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs 别班门弄斧。

  Don't wash your dirty linen in public 家丑不可外扬。

  Each to his own 人各有志。

  Easier said than done说来容易做来难。

  East or west,home is best金窝银窝不如自己狗窝。

  Easy come,easy go赚得容易花得快。

  Empty vessels make the most sound空桶最响(半瓶响叮噹)。

  Even Homer sometimes nods智者千虑必有一失。

  Every country has it’s custom 各地风俗不同。

  Every day is a new beginning每一天都是新的开始。

  Every dog has his day风水轮流转。

  Every light has its shadow有利弊有弊。

  Every little makes a mickle积少成多。

  Every man has his taste 人各有所好。

  Everybody's business is nobody’s business众人之事无人管。

  Failure is the mother of success 失败为 成功之母。

  First come,first served先到先受用(捷足先登)。

  Fools will be fools 牛牵到北京还是牛。

  Forgive and forget 不念旧恶。

  Forgive others but not yourself严以律己。宽以待人。

  God helps those who help themselves 天助自助者。

  Good health is above wealth 健康重于财富。

  Good mind, good find 好心有好报。

  Good wine needs no bush好东西不必宣传。

  Grasp all, lose all 贪者必失。

  Great minds think alike英雄所见略同。

  Habit is a second nature 习惯是第二天性。习惯成自然。

  Happy is he who is content知足常乐。

  Hard got, soon gone 创业唯艰,守成不易。

  Hard work brings success要拼才会赢。

  Haste makes waste欲速则不达。

  He has no friend who has many friends广交者无友。

  He that wants to hang a dog is sure to find a rope 欲加之罪,何患无辞。

  Health is better than wealth健康胜于财富。

  Heaven helps those who help themselves天助自助者。

  Heaven is at the feet of mothers慈母的膝下就是天堂。

  History repeats itself歷史会重演。

  Homer sometimes nods 智者千虑,必有一失。

  Honesty is the best policy诚实为上策。

  Hope for the best and prepare for the worst抱最大希望,做最坏打算。

  Hunger is the best sauce 饥不择食。

  I think, so I am 我思故我在。

  If it is to be, it is up to me 凡事不求人。

  In wine there is truth 酒后吐真言。

  It is easy to be wise after the event经一事长一智。

  It is more blessed to give than to receive施必受更有福。

  It is no use crying over spilt milk 覆水难收。

  It never rains but it pours 不雨则已,一雨倾盆(祸不单行)。

  It takes all kinds to make a world 一种米养百样人。

  It's never too late to learn活到老学到老。

  Jack of all trades and master of none样样通样样鬆。

  Jade comes from stone青出于蓝。

  Joy shared with others are more enjoyed 独乐乐不如众乐乐。

  Knowledge is power知识就是力量。

  Learn to walk before you run先学走再学跑(按步就班)。

  Lend your money and lose your friend 借钱给朋友,钱友皆失。

  Let bygones be bygones过去的让它过去吧(既往不咎)。

  Like father, like son有其父必有其子。

  Live and learn 活到老学到老。

  Look before you leap叁思而后行。

  Losers are always in the wrong 胜者为王败者为寇。

  Love is blind 爱情是盲目的。

  Love is forgiving even if you can't forget爱就是不能忘怀,也要塬谅。

  Love makes the world go round爱使世界运转。

  Love me little, love me long爱情要细水长流。

  Love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌。

  Love your neighbor as yourself

  Make hay while the sun shines 把握时机。打铁趁热。

  Man proposes God disposes 谋事在人,成事在天。

  Many a little makes a nickel积少成多。

  Many hands make light work 人多好办事。

  Marriage comes by destiny 姻缘天註定。

  Might is right强权即是公理。

  Money makes the mare go 强权能使鬼推磨。

  Money ruins many 人为财死,鸟为食亡。

  More than enough is too much过了份就太多(过犹不及)。

  Murder will out 如欲人不知,除非已莫为。

  Necessity is the mother of invention需要为发明之母。

  Never judge by appearance事情不要只看表面。

  No news is good news无消息即是好消息。

  No one is wise in his own affairs 当局者迷,旁观者清。

  No pains, no gains不劳则无获。

  Nothing comes of nothing事出必有因(无中不能生有)。

  Nothing venture, nothing have不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

  One lie makes many一谎生百谎。

  Opportunity seldom knocks twice机不可失。

  Out of debt, out of danger无债一身轻。

  Out of sight, out of mind久离则疏。

  Practice makes perfect熟能生巧。

  Prevention is better than cure预防胜于治疗。

  Pride goes before the fall骄兵必败。

  Rather lose honorably than gain basely宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。

  Real joy comes from within真正的喜乐来自内心。

  Rome was not built in a day罗马不是一天造成的。

  Running water does not get stale流水不腐。

  Saying is one thing and doing is another说是一回事,做又是一回事。

  Second thoughts are best再思为上(叁思而后行)。

  Seeing is believing百闻不如一见。眼见为实。

  Seeing is believing眼见为真。

  Silence gives consent沉默表示同意。

  Silence is gold沉默是金。

  So many men, so many minds 人多意见多。

  Spare the rod and spoil the child不打不成器。

  Strike while the iron is hot打铁趁热。

  Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear说曹操曹操就到。

  Tall trees catch much wind树大招风。

  The early bird gets the worm早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

  The end makes all equal 死后人人平等。

  The eye is bigger than the mouth人心不足蛇吞象。

  The grapes are sour酸葡萄心理。

  The leopard cannot change his spots江山易改,本性难移。

  The more you have,the more you want慾壑难填。

  The pen is mightier than the sword笔墨胜于宝剑。

  The pot calls the kettle black 五十步笑百步。

  The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts舌头虽非铁却可伤人。

  There are tricks in every trade行行有诀窍。

  There are two sides to every question公说公有理,婆说婆有理。

  There is no rose without a thorn朵朵玫瑰皆有刺(事无十全十美)。

  There is no smoke without fire有烟必有火(无风不起浪)。

  There is no time like the present把握现在。

  There is nothing new under the sun太阳底下无鲜事。

  There's a black sheep in every flock每一个团体中都难免有害群之马。

  Time and tide wait for no man岁月不饶人。

  Time is money 时间就是金钱。

  To love is to learn to offer and accept爱是学习给予与接受。

  Tomorrow is another day明日如新。

  Too far east is west矫枉过正。

  Too many cooks spoil the broth人多手杂必坏事。

  Too many cooks spoil the broth人多嘴杂。

  True words hurt忠言逆耳。

  Two heads are better than one 叁个臭皮匠,胜过一个 诸葛亮。

  Walls have ears隔墙有耳。

  We soon believe what we desire所欲为真。

  Well begun is half done好的开始是成功的一半。

  When love puts in, friendship is gone有爱情,失友情。

  When one door shuts another opens天无绝人之路。

  When you judge others you condemn yourself批评别人,就是责备自己。

  Where there is a will there is a way有志者事竟成。

  Where there is smoke, there is fire无风不起浪。

  While the cat's away, the mice can play 山中无老虎,猴子称大王。

  While there is life there is hope 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

  Who chatters to you will chatter of you与你说人是非之人必说你是非。

  Words cut more than swords舌剑利于刀剑。

  You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk鱼与熊掌不可兼得。

  You cannot teach an old dog new tricks老狗难学新把戏。

  You can't clap with one hand 孤掌难鸣。

  You never know what you can do till you try不去尝试就不知自己本事。

  Your eyes cannot see your lashes目不见睫。